3 lessons on paying farmers a fair price from Tony’s Chocolonely, Fairtrade Original, Eosta and Oxfam

What do Tony’s Chocolonely, Fairtrade Original and Eosta have in common? Despite working with different commodities, tackling low wages is a priority among their main sustainability practices. What do Tony’s Chocolonely, Fairtrade Original and Eosta have in common? Despite working with different commodities, tackling low wages is a priority among their main sustainability practices. On […]
The lab is back: Picking up from where we left off

The lab is back, now as the Living Wage & Income Lab, and it’s time to address living wages and incomes in the agri-food sector. After a turbulent year that locked us in our homes, this November 2021 we will be back together in a physical setting. Once again, the lab will have producers, retailers […]
5 years of Living Wage Lab celebrated

On Thursday 19 November, the Living Wage Lab celebrated its five years existence. In a one-off live broadcast, experts on living wage and living income spoke on different topics, varying from some practical business examples to the government perspective and a view on the future. The event, which was moderated by Lea Esterhuizen from &Wider, […]
ALIGN: a guidance tool for living wages and incomes

An exiting outcome of the conference ‘The Only Way is Up!‘ was the launch of ALIGN. ALIGN is a platform that gives access to existing resources on living wage and living income in an interactive and customised way. The portal is meant to be a guidance tool for agri-food companies aiming to reduce complexity around […]
Lab Session #17 – The impact of COVID-19 on horticulture workers (webinar)

During the first-ever Living Wage Lab webinar, participants and panellists agreed that COVID-19 asks for smart government measures and innovative business initiatives to support the workers in the agri-food sector. On Tuesday 13 May, 45 participants joined panellists Olav Boenders (Wagagai), Paulien Osse (WageIndicator Foundation) and Virginia Munyua (Hivos East Africa) online to discuss the […]
Lab Session #16 – Presentation of ALIGN

During the first Lab-session of 2020, agri-food professionals had the opportunity to give their input for the future development of ALIGN: the go-to portal if you want to take practical steps towards living wage and living income. What is most needed are best practices and a portfolio of strategies. ALIGN collects all relevant and trusted […]
Lab Session #15 – How to communicate living income

On 4 July, ‘Verstegen Spices and Sauces’ hosted the 15th lab session. They took the Lab partners back to the origin presenting the results of a living income study into their nutmeg supply chain. As always with Lab sessions, there was no sitting back during this journey; participants were invited to come up with creative […]
Lab Session #14 – Strategies to assess living wage gaps

The first Living Wage Lab session of 2019 united a variety of stakeholders in the agri-food sector; long-time engaged participants but also many new faces. Given the co-creative nature of the lab, we used all the expertise in the room to address the following question: what is the best strategy to investigate wage and income […]
Lab Session #13 – Paying out a living wage as one of multiple buyers

The participants of the Living Wage Lab want to ensure a living wage for all nodes in their supply chain. But how can you reach that goal when you don’t own the farm or factory from which you source and you are not their only customer? With Fairphone as an example, this was the topic […]
Lab Session #12 – First steps towards Living Wage Tool

A good crowd has shown up for the 12th session of the Living Wage Lab. One thing that the Living Wage Lab offers to participants, is the certainty to find a trusted space for discussion and for experimentation. The idea of experimenting is well alive in the Freedom Lab in Amsterdam, the space where this […]